The Mother Is Everything

my sweet nephew

Relive The Mother Love You

when a baby is ready to be born into the world. Ahead of the relegated he asked God, "the angels here say that tomorrow you will sent me into the world, but how can I live there, I was so small and weak," said the baby.

The Lord answered, "I have chosen one of the Angels for you, he will care for and love you."

"But in heaven, what I did was sing and laugh, this is enough for me to be happy." So says the baby.

God replied, "Your angel will sing and smile for you every day, and you will feel the warmth of her love and much happier....

The baby ever ask again, "and how I can understand when people speak if I don't understand their language?".

Again the Lord replied, "Your angel will speak to you in the most beautiful language you have ever heard, and with great patience and care he will teach you how to speak."

The baby asks again, "What can I do when I want to talk to you?"

Again God replied, "Your angel will teach you how to pray."

The baby was still not satisfied, he asked again, "I hear a lot of bad people on Earth, who will protect me?"

With great patience the Lord replied, "Your angel will protect you, bet his soul."

The baby is still not satisfied and continues the question, "but I will be sad to not see you again."

And Tuhanpun answered, "Malaikatmu will tell you about me and will teach you how to get back to me, although I am always by your side."

It was so slow that his voice could be heard from Earth and boys quietly asked, "God, if I have to go now, you can know who Angel's name is in my house later?"

The Lord replied, "You can call your angel ... mother ..."

Relive your mother to love you

For mothers who always shed tears while I was gone. ....

Remember friends, when your mother is willing to sleep without a blanket for you, sleep well with two blankets that wrap you ...

Remember a friend ..!

When the fingers gently rub the head of the mother.

And remember my friends ..!

When tears drip from your mother's eyes when she sees you lying sick.

Friends .. occasionally look at the mother who is always waiting for your return at home once you are born,

Friends ... Come back to your mother sorry who always missed your smile. Rescue the hustle and bustle of worldly frenzies that always make you forget quickly, go home, your mother stands jenguk waiting for you in front of the late afternoon door.

Friends .. Do not let you lose, moments that will miss in the future. When a mother does not. ..

No more standing at the door to welcome us ... There are no more beautiful smile ... the sign of happy. There is only an empty room there was no inhabitants, there is only the clothes are hung in the closet of his room. Nothing else prepare breakfast for you to eat, no longer want to keep you up until late at night when you're sick ... nothing else and there will be no more tears in every prayer for you that blows.

Friends ... come back soon. hug always love you mother ...

Kiss the legs of the mother who always miss you and give the best in the end of his life.

Friend, pray for his health and taste the embrace of love and affection do not until you regret the future return of a mother who always loves you ...

Remember all - love and affection ...

Mom .. forgive me until whenever will not be reciprocated

Editor By @mushlih.ar0

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