Be happy, because of a problem

Reading the title above You may be wondering, do I not write wrong? You might say, '' Would not it be better if we had absolutely no problems? '' Then you're wrong! Where there is life, there must be a problem. However, do you know that behind every problem there is a golden opportunity and a great opportunity to move forward?

There is a word of wisdom from Norman V Peale that you should ponder. In his book You Can If You Think You Can, he said, " If God wants to appreciate something precious, how does He give it to you? Did he deliver in beautiful shipment on a silver tray? No! Instead, God wraps it with a complicated problem, then looks at it remotely if you can open the messy packet, and find its precious contents, like a precious pearl of a price hidden in a shell ".

The above statement is not just a beautiful word to entertain you and feel annoyed with a problem. This is a paradigm shift and way of thinking. Whatever circumstances we face are actually neutral. We are the ones who label positive or negative on it. As the Chinese philosopher I Ching said, '' The show itself is not important, but the response to it is everything".

Here's a simple example. As a facilitator who provides training in various companies, I have faced rejection from clients solely because of my age which is considered too young. I once considered this a big problem. How come? It concerns my credibility. I then think about it for days. My confidence began to be disturbed. Gradually I realized that such rejection is! ordinary thing. Precisely this is an opportunity for growth. Therefore, I immediately explore the needs of clients and seek a more acceptable approach. I continued to improve my competence, until I was finally accepted by the company. In that case, the initial rejection was not a problem at all, but a valuable opportunity. All the difficulties are really an opportunity for our soul to grow. Unfortunately, more people consider the problem as something to be avoided. They can not see how expensive pearls are contained in every problem. Like climbing a mountain, there are people who are Quitters. They retreat regularly and reject the opportunity given by the mountain.

There are people of type Campers, who climb to a certain height then end the climb and find a flat and comfortable place to camp. They achieved little success but were satisfied with it.

The third type is Climbers who are lifelong people who climb, and never let anything hinder the climb. People like this always see life as a test and a challenge. He can reach the top of the mountain because it has a much higher mentality, beating the height of the mountain. People with this type really believe what Dag Hammarskjold once said, '' Never measure the height of a mountain before you reach its peak. Because once on top, you will see how low the mountain is. ''

All the real problems are a veiled grace for us. They
'' meritorious '' because it can make us better, wiser, wiser, and more patient. You can only be called a good manager if you are able to lead a difficult subordinate, which makes other managers lift! gan. You just became a good parent if you can handle a troubled child, or a stubborn son-in-law, who does something beyond your patience. You can only be called a professional if you are able to deal with a chatty customer who often complains and wants much.

To achieve success you need to have an adversity quotient, which is high intelligence and endurance to face problems. Intelligence starts from changing your own paradigm and mindset. Begin to see all the problems you face as opportunities, opportunities, and graces. You will feel challenged, but still able to live a quiet and peaceful life. Be happy if you have a problem. That means you are living and developing. Precisely if you have no problem at all, I suggest you immediately pray, '' Oh my God. Are not you! trust me again, so you do not entrust any life difficulty to overcome? '' By praying so you do not have to worry. God is very aware of our respective abilities. He will never give us a burden we can not bear.

Editor By @mushlih.ar0
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