Please Do Not Fear This...It Can Help Others

I have been checking out the different Steemit badges to see which ones I have earned in my almost 8 months here.

One of the badges that isn’t in my list of earned badges is the “weekly author” badge. It is earned by writing a post everyday between Monday and Sunday. If you miss a day (which I so often do), it resets and you have to wait until a new week starts on Monday to try again. So far, I am on track for this “weekly author” badge, and it is exciting. 

Besides not making time to write each day, the other reason I have not earned this badge as of yet is because I feel a little bit of nervousness each time I write. 

Yes, that little twinge of fear pops in my head!

I get concerned about whether my passion for a topic will be received well. I get nervous that maybe I’m too excited about my topic, or I haven’t written enough. That fear dissipates every time I hit the “Post” button, though.

Have you ever felt this way, like you should not really share about your passions because of what others will think??

Well, my tip for today is - NO MORE FEAR around sharing what you love!

I have found that here on Steemit, there are others who share the same passions as you do, and this is a great place to find them. They don’t mind you writing at length about what you love because they are doing the exact same thing. Let your passion shine. This will give others the unconscious permission to do the same thing.

So go ahead and post about your passion. It helps others as well, and you might make great connections for life.

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