Hello dearies today we will be talking about maturity and as usual, I am going to be bringing you your daily motivation, an article that will help you plan your day, and set your goals right and achieving them. Today I will be talking about maturity, it's not about your age, it's about your mind set, and how you address issues when given the opportunity.
Let's roll!!!

Maturity to me means alot of things to me. A mature person judges a situation from a bigger picture, the long haul. It is the ability to resist the immediate appeasement and make a decision no body will live to regret, an action that definitely will pay off in the future. One characteristic of a young child is "I want that now" but an grown-up doesn't jump into conclusion on what he wants.

Maturity is persistency-- A matured person doesn't constantly change friends, jobs and changing mates, anybody that does that is not seen as a matured person no matter the age of the individual, another aspect of it is the ability of an individual to start up a project and finish it inspite of discouraging setbacks, and opposition. When some persons see all these they abandon their projects and run. You can also train your mind to take mature decisions.

Maturity is the ability to control anger and settle differences without violence or destruction. The mature person can face unpleasantness, frustration, discomfort and defeat without collapsing or complaining. He knows he can't have everything his own way every time. He is able to defer to circumstances, to other people -- and to time. He knows when to compromise and is not too proud to do it.

Maturity is modesty/humilily. When two persons have misunderstanding, the first person that works towards reconsiliation, is the mature one. is it too much to say "i was wrong, and sorry". And when he is right about a particular issue, he doesn't need to make the other person uncomfortable and bad about it.

Maturity is been responsible. Being responsible means keeping your word, not backing out no matter, living up to your responsibility shows maturity. When you are responsible, you are dependable, friends and family know that they can always count on you at anytime and place. Only those who have integrity are dependable. And these persons are scare, we live in a world filled with individuals that can't be there. When you need them most they vanish, or they go missing. They never come through for us, instead they break every promise they have ever made, and replace alibis for performance. They are turn up late or don't even come at all. Confusion and disorganisation is the order of the day, how up late or not at all.

Maturity is been able to make a decision and back it up, many persons make decisions they are not willing to back up, immature individual make decisions, explore endless possibilities and smile at it instead of putting it to work...
Standing by any decision you make is what makes you mature. Courage to back up your Decisions is necessary, if not little or nothing is accomplished.

Maturity is the willingness and the ability to harness your potential/abilities and your manpower and achieving more than what is expected of you. An individual with a mature mind doesn't settle for mediocrity, they don't harbor mediocres are friends, friends that sees NO future in your dream. He would aim for the moon because he knows that even if he falls he will fall upon a star, he prefers to do it big and miss the mark than aim low and actually succeed.

Maturity is the ability if one living in peace with situations that we cannot change, it actually takes maturity to identify situation that can and cannot change. The art of living peacefully with such situations shows maturity.

Thanks for your time... I LOVE YOU.

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