Why Procastinate?


Procrastination is the thief of time. It eats up the time and make project unachieved. Why do people procrastinate what the y we still later do?

I have found out in life that great achievers are people that take the bull by the horn and act fast without delaying. Procrastination can leave a lot of things unachieve and incomplete. To achieve purpose in life and get ahead of others, we most endeavour to prompt to act.

Many people are the way they are now or are in the level they are now because of delay in taking decision. The time keeps tickling, it will never wait for you. Everyone of us have been given equal time, what you make of the time you are given matters a lot and it will go along way to determine who you are or what you achieved. Invest in yourself now when you can, read now when you can, go to that place now when you can. Any further delay can be dangerous.

So look at your self now and eat that frog. Get up and get to work now!

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