
There is a Universal truth we were all born with – desire. It is seen through
Neptune in every person’s chart and that magical places some of us run to, while some of us run from, depending on the amount of fear of impossible choices or the impossible way of life we perceive in our everyday existence. In your lifetime you will meet so many people who are disappointed by life because they cannot get what they wish for badly, and this inner state of constant loss and inability to manifest takes away pride, confidence, inspiration, and motivation as time goes by. Luckily, there are those who carry the torch of light within even though they might be lifetimes away from their own manifestation and the dreamland they wish to live in.


True liberation comes as we realize that we CAN in fact choose where our lives will go. Although physical circumstances might be something we cannot affect, and other people stay in charge of their own decisions, our state of comfort and the ability to embrace what is coming our way is our own responsibility. It is also up to us to show the initiative to resolve our troubles, to lead ourselves towards lives we wish for, coolheaded and ready to take risks time after time. The task of one healthy Mars in our chart is in our knowledge that we have already won, and that there is nothing holding us back except our own shadows. Negative emotions are only signals that we need a change, and for as long as we bury them deep in our subconscious world, they will come back to haunt us through troublesome relationships.
The big truth we all need to acknowledge when relating to others though, is the fact that every single person on the planet is already doing the best they can. High hopes, demands and expectations are obsolete from this point of view. They are just a reflection of our inability to truly connect with another human being and see that they are good enough just as they are, although maybe not for our personal plane of existence. We will live on different planes of awareness and consciousness, have different aspirations and wishes, and we might not share many roads together even when we are madly in love.
Still, our own path is worth treasuring and our progress our own choice, decision, and responsibility. Grab the wheel today and do something to change that one thing that burdens your Soul. It is sometimes hard, but you have the strength to achieve it, or you wouldn’t have been born with the desire that is burning in your heart.


We could debate on the reason in our upbringing to give our lives so easily into other people’s hands, or in the hands of destiny, but this probably isn’t why we you came to this website. Our patterns are written deep within our being and yet, freewill of Uranus shouldn’t be dismissed in any case. Fear holds us back through
Saturn and Mars , our habits and situations that taught us that we cannot win no matter what we do, negative convictions we were told and built in, and our proof found in repetition of things we never tried to change in their true core. In short, if we have heard the word ‘no’ one too many times, we will hear it in our head throughout our entire lifetime and it will guide our circumstances.

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