Leaving everything for later

Hello friends of steemit, thanks for joining me again... 

Many times we aspire to countless things we like and want to do or have, but obviously not going to be possible, if we make the right effort to achieve it. Basically, it is up to us, as I have said in repeated opportunities!, therefore, nothing in this life you will get without the indicated effort and I repeat more warmly, absolutely nothing you will get without the indicated effort. 

It's not a question, that life is unfair to you and that's why you think it's against you, rather, you should ask yourself, what have you done to achieve those dreams? Today, we are going to talk about the desire and the determination, to achieve everything that we aspire to from a small or a dream that has formed throughout your adolescent and adult life. 

We usually happen, we start doing some activity that we like, and we are willing to start, and sometimes we cannot sleep, wishing that the day arrives. But when, since we have been months, we start to get bored, we do not feel comfortable, we no longer have the same motivation that we had at first, that really made us dream of progress and be the best in the activity that we do. 

You can consider this situation, a temporary problem that has a solution and that to solve it will depend exclusively on you. Many times we leave many things for later, saying that we have a lot of time to do it, but in part it is true and partly not, because I say this friends, readers, because when we take that attitude and return part of our lives, we seek indirectly An excuse to let the time pass and end up doing nothing, which is what happens in a large percentage of the cases. 

Now, it does not mean that in some respects is not a valid excuse, that we may have, for example, we want to buy a car, but for this, we need money, i.e. if we do not have the economic capacity at the moment, we must find a way to save, to get the car we want. But here, there is also a small problem, is that many of us do not have a culture to save to get something, is something that we have a hard time doing, but we should eventually learn, for that, at some point we can buy the car we want. 

Another of the most common things is that we use the excuse, to say indirectly that we cannot, create barriers continually and somehow lowering self-esteem, saying that we are not able to achieve what we want to obtain. It is a mistake that we always make in our lives and that we do it frequently. Then you don't have to let the time pass so much, because we all have an expiration date, which may be sooner rather than later and the truth is very relative.

We must think much more in the present than in the future and much less think about the past, because it is proven that thinking about what happened or what might have happened. It does not allow us to advance, rather it keeps us stagnant, without achieving progress in our lives, and at the same time, in the same past, we find guilty that we use it in the present, to follow the same vicious circle of constantly making excuses. 

So let's not, to leave things for later, not worth doing, we lose a lot of time leaving things for later. There will always be complications that are there, making you the most complicated way, then it is a waste of time to also put barriers ourselves. It is necessary to act as soon as possible before it is too late.

Follow me: @luisucv34

All images were taken from pixabay.com 

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