What would your greatest regret be in you knew today was your last.

Most of us are afraid of the inevitable. The mere mention of it scares us so when often avoid the subject totally. As stated by Jim Rohn, "In the end, we experience either the pain of regret or the pain of success". What would you do differently if you knew today was your last? Most of us live everyday trying to fulfill other people's dreams which isn't bad but what about our dreams,who is fighting for it for us? It is said that those who have no definite goals have the tendency to leave their lives anyhow. Is that what we want? To be crackheads or screw-ups?

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Don't be pissed by this blog. Everyday we live, could be our last. Whether we agree or not, it doesn't change this fact. I used to believe we will all have enough time to do as we wish as we grow but that was just a wishful thinking of a young boy. I hope you leave your life to the fullest and have minimal regrets in the end.

My greatest regret if i were to die today would be my inability to know and understand God fully.

Now, tell me what yours would be.

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