WE need that Pain.

We have all heard of that saying “No Pain, No Gain” right? Instead of blaming those people who let us down at certain points, why don’t we let that pain grow us from being dependent to being independent. Instead of wishing a reputable company hire us after graduation, why don’t we go through the pain of rejection from not one but multiple companies. That I believe would make us fed up and start doing something for ourselves.
We have the ability to go the extra mile if we are willing to let that pain soak deep down. Think of it this way. Whatever goes up, must surely come down. If we can live the rest of our lives in ourselves (by this I mean not listening to anyone’s critics but looking deep down into ourselves and asking questions about who we really are and what we are capable of, we will ultimately find the answer but first the whole process has to be painful to be effective).

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Suffering is just a test. The pain is somehow a big wrap around the person we are really meant to be. Being afraid and still carrying on does the trick. Facing the pain head on eventually reveals the truth which we need more than anything to achieve clarity and happiness. And, when we have done all this, we then move on to help others achieve it too. Trust me, there are people who are even afraid of leaving their house because all the hear all day are gun shots and that has been going on since the day they were born. There are some who eat twice a week and have no access to potable drinking water, they are riddled with sores and diseases that threatens their life every day. For such people, it is hard for them to see the light but we have an advantage. With access to the internet today, it is easy for us to overcome our problems and touch lives in less privileged homes. That is what true religion, democracy and technological advancement should stand for.
Let your pain change you into someone people can count on. Make it not about you and your wants anymore. Make it about them.

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