At the start of Munich games, Lasse Viren, a 23 year old Finnish policeman from a small village of Myrskyla, was not widely known. Indeed, the heats of the 10,000 meters were his Olympics debut. But when he stumbled and fell just before the halfway mark in the final his chance of victory seemed to have gone. He rose up from the fall and continued running. The Tunisian Mohamed Gammoudi ( who had won the 5,000 meters at the 1968 olympics) tripped over Viren and gave up two laps later.
But the Finnish runner calmly got to his feet and chased his way back into contention, overtaking Britain’s David Bedford, the long time leader, to not only win the gold medal, but set a world record of 27min 38.4 sec. Ten days later, he also won the 5,000m (in an Olympic record time) – a double that he repeated in Montreal in 1976.

Essentialy, to rise up means:

a) To move from being below to being above. Do not aim to be an average, but to top the chart. Move from being a poor performer to a great performer
b) To move up, graduate, ascend particularly in your convictions and persuasions.
c) To move from being at the lower wrung of the ladder of life to gaining ascendancy i.e move from from being at a disadvantage to gaining upper hand

a) rise from being on your back to being on your feet.
b) rise from being seated to standing up.


  1. PASSION. You cannot taste significance outside of passion. Whatever you are passionate about will show. What are you passionate about?

  2. RHEMA. God’s word is not just light and a lamp, it is also a fire – a driving force for doing all we are created for.

  3. EMPOWERMENT. Everything significant in life can be traced to empowerment. beyond being filled with the spirit, you need to be continually filled with the spirit.

As we make new decisions to arise, remember that if we don’t rise we cannot shine. It takes more than wishful thinking to be a star in our field. Our life becomes attractive to others when we arise to shine.
If we do not arise, we won’t make a difference or register relevance.
If we do not arise, we won’t be able to lift others up.
If we do not arise, we won’t be able to take new territories.

So therefore, ARISE!

The Guardian

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