The power of friendship..

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So yesterday I read a post by @nairadaddy and basically he was talking about the importance of friendships to your success here on the steemit platform... See link here:

Now, the quality of friends you keep go a long way to determine how far you go in life. Oh yes..
Because you can't do anything alone in life, you would always need people around you in one way or the other..
I mean; no man was created to be an island 🙅
and in like manner, a tree can never make a forest....

So yes, we all need friends...
This goes beyond just the steemit platform.. In life generally.. We all need someone to lean on..
In times of joy..
In times of sickness..
In times of pain...
In times of celebration...
We always need people.... Friends who we can lean on...
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But let me focus on the steemit platform using myself as a case study...
When I initially joined steemit... I was a "one man mopol" and there was so much energy in me.. I was so excited because really I had never seen anything before...

But as time went by, my interest and energy started to wane and I was beginning to struggle to make posts and even make comments on people's posts...

But I noticed there were some people around me whose energy levels had doubled.. They were always so excited about steemit, always making posts and getting fat earnings... I began to wonder, what was driving them that wasn't driving me...
Way was motivating them... That wasn't motivating me...

So I decided to ask a couple of people but the one person who hit the nail on the head was @olawalium. He said the secret is making friends... It sounded funny...
He said I should make solid friendships out there....
I mean, why do I have to make friends? Is it by force?...
Anyways, I decided to give it a try...
Gradually, I started communicating some more even outside my whatsapp groups...

And trust me, in a space of two days.. My experience changed...
I became less frustrated and happier...
Now, it's not necessarily about my earnings sky rocketing but I have found a sustainable system to keep me going whether I make the fat earnings or not...

After all, steemit is not primarily for the money... I have learnt that the foundation of steemit is built on friendships and of course, love... On the long run, the fat earnings will follow...

So right now... I'm seriously grateful for the friends I have made...
Every single person from the @abuja-steem community for always making me laugh and ease off tension at the end of the day, @air-clinic for the awesome contests, classes and radio shows that always puts smiles on faces, @stach community for having minnows at heart...
My success story cannot be complete without them...
They gave me hope when I felt I was losing it and gave me a reason to stay...
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So this is an encouragement to someone out there... Are you getting tired or losing interest...
My advice.... Make solid friendships first... Every other thing will follow with time...

You might have initially come in for the money... But now, please stay for the community because therein lies your happiness and sense of fulfillment...

P. S I'm also using this as an opportunity to cry out to the big guns out there @nairadaddy @tojukaka @ejemai @samstickkz... Please, please and please... We need a meet up for those of us in Lagos 😢😢😢 I'm earnestly looking forward to one soon enough...

Have a great day FAM
Yours lovingly @kingernie 👑.... The king woman...

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