How to Discover Your Purpose in Life

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Kindly go through the 15 questions and answer them sincerely. By God's grace , He will show you the way. Most people have been inboxing me, asking the fundamental questions.. How do I discover my purpose in life?

The following are the list of questions that can assist you in discovering your purpose. They are meant as a guide to help you get into a frame of mind that will be conducive to defining your personal mission.

Simple Instructions:

•Take out a few sheets of loose paper and a pen.
•Find a place where you will not be interrupted.

•Write the answers to each question down.

Write the first thing that pops into your head. Don't rationalize. Write without editing. Use point form. It’s important to write out your answers rather than just thinking about them.

•Write quickly. Give yourself less than 60 seconds a question. Preferably less than 30 seconds.
•Be honest. Nobody will read it. It’s important to write without editing.

•Enjoy the moment and smile as you write.

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15 Questions:

  1. What makes you smile? (Activities, people, events, hobbies, projects, etc.)

  2. What are your favorite things to do in the past? What about now?

  3. What activities make you lose track of time?

  4. What makes you feel great about yourself?

  5. Who inspires you most? (Anyone you know or do not know. Family, friends, authors, artists, leaders, etc.) Which qualities inspire you, in each person?

  6. What are you naturally good at? (Skills, abilities, gifts etc.)

  7. What do people typically ask you for help in?

  8. If you had to teach something, what would you teach?

  9. What would you regret not fully doing, being or having in your life?
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  10. You are now 90 years old, sitting on a rocking chair outside your porch; you can feel the spring breeze gently brushing against your face. You are blissful and happy, and are pleased with the wonderful life you’ve been blessed with. Looking back at your life and all that you’ve achieved and acquired, all the relationships you’ve developed; what matters to you most? List them out.

  11. What are your deepest values?

  12. What were some challenges, difficulties and hardships you’ve overcome or are in the process of overcoming? How did you do it?

  13. What causes do you strongly believe in? Connect with?

  14. If you could get a message across to a large group of people. Who would those people be? What would your message be?

  15. Given your talents, passions and values. How could you use these resources to serve, to help, to contribute? ( to people, beings, causes, organization, environment, planet, etc.)

If you answer sincerely. now you should know why you are on this Earth . Wish you God's guidance all through your stay on this earth.

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