Give up something ...
To get something


If you do this you will have accidentally almost innocently put in front of you what is important to you.

You must fail a hundred times to succeed once you only learn when you fail. You don't learn when you succeed .

When you fail
it's okay to get depressed it's okay to cry it's okay to go home.
It's okay to blame others for while but eventually you have to get over it and move on.

The greatest people who have ever walked this planet constantly had setbacks in Life and Failures constantly .
The more you realize you're Wrong the more somebody attacks you and tells you that you are Stupid.

The more mistakes you make you see in that one thing and one thing only the Ability to get Better because when you can do that the more people to Sale you the more Mistakes you make the more Times you fall in your Face the Stronger you Get because you Respond to that with the ecquisition of skills.

Go forth but be Willing to Fail
be Willing to make a mistake
pick up the Pieces and Try again.

You're gonna deal with a lot of failure a lot of rejection ,it's okay how you respond to those things .
You have to Have this Overriding Belief i have that things don't happen to me they Happen for Me and they only Happen for Me if i make a progress towards something .
Most people stop at Failure we've all failed at things .

I'm going to continue to Fail at stuff. It's the most powerful tool you can use but it all Depends on how you use it .
It's that Drive inside of you It's what we talked about the Dark side.

The Dark side is filled with Failure but it's the Fuel that Burns you like something that's never Burned inside you before.
Failure is Education if you use it If you learn something is not a Failure If you Don't learn to things then is Failure.

You just have to get better you have to keep Growing you have to keep Learning you have to keep developing .

Don't be Afraid to Fail big to Dream big.


You're gonna make mistakes you got to own them then you got to make Amends and then you've got to Move on.


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