White sheet {part 1}


This afternoon I was greeted with a stretch of dust that tortured the smell, the dust seemed to make me crowded with a distinctive aroma. Yes, now I have reached a remote island. Precisely in the south of Indonesia, and I dedicate myself to be a teacher in this place. Step by step I went through the greeting of children who were playing with a shabby cloth. They looked at me as if they had seen something they had not seen yet, and I was just dressed in my favorite blue jacket and a big rucksack and suitcase that I pulled.

"You finally came too?" The middle-aged woman surprised me as I passed her (a) her home. "You must be Rafly?" He said again, but his tone seemed to invite me to talk more deeply "yes, I'm Rafly? are you Mother Asih? "he just replied" yes, here you must be very tired "I finally climbed 5 steps connecting to the terrace. At that time I was very tired, and I am he is a teacher on this island, yes .. he is fighting for a simple independence here. The day started late at night, my smartphone battery will run out but there is no electricity here. I picked up an orange and filled my smartphon battery with the wire slab I had twisted there, and it worked.

Early morning, now my step into the school area. And I see it's not like school, the thin board used to start is fragile, the roofs seem to want to eat their prey and someday the building will collapse. I saw some of them playing ball. I do not feel like I'm starting to teach in a class like a hut.

"Good morning kids" I say as I put some files on the table. I introduced myself and started taking books from my locker. But I see the text there printed in the 80s-90s, meaning they have not touched KTSP and K13, the book is completely broken, many pages are missing and torn. "You study with this book? Then where is the book of its 2013 curriculum? "I said to make the atmosphere quiet, one of the boys raised his right hand" sorry sir, we only have the book. What is the curriculum sir? We do not know yet, and during our school here there is only one teacher and his book also uses the book that held father "I mused, then I stood in the middle" curriculum is a well-crafted material. And this curriculum is just like any other book just a slightly different system. "Then the boy said" I want to try the curriculum, why we never received a new book while in big cities have many who accept "I feel weak to hear the words, but I still explain the material curriculum so they can feel what the curriculum is. Day after night, now I have arrived at Mother Asih's house and I opened a small clinic there. At sunset there was a little boy knocking on the door.

"You must be Mr. Rafly, the new teacher from the city right?" The girl showed me a note in his hand "yes I am Rafly, and why are you writing on this piece of white paper?" He looked at my lips as if he read it, then the child wrote again "I am Qifa, sorry sir i am deaf and mute .. but i want to study with you, i want to be a doctor" not 3 days i am here, but my tears very smoothly when looking at things like this. "Let's go in, I have a brown pudding" he sat next to me, he wanted to reach his dream but the book was not there. He started venturing how much he wanted to be a doctor and a school. "My mom and dad never accompany me, there is only the grandmother who is always beside me. My parents are too busy until they do not accompany me "he talked about all his misery.

Day after day, I hate my friend. I want him to collect as many books as possible so I can share them with the children here. Several days into weeks. At this time every Saturday afternoon I go around with a book from my friend and ride a horse, sometimes I am touched to see as they read. 27 years of age I am now, and there is currently an international olympiad held in Beijing. And I decided to choose Marcus to take the test in Jakarta, because he is very shrewd in the field of science. And I tried to contact the related agencies so that he was convinced to me that Marcus could advance to the international. Every evening he came to my house while Qifa helped me to care for the ailing patient, I had briefed him how to prepare the medicine and check everyone, Qifa is really very smart in terms of health. "Qifa" I say "what's the pack of Rafly? Qifa wrong to give medicine? "The paper is plainly in front of me" you keep the clinic first, I want to teach Marcus "he just nodded his head and painted a smile.

"Sir, I'm not sure I will escape" he said (Marcus) quietly "this is your chance, you will prove if you can. We are here to meet with various problems "I said" but sir, I do not believe in yourself "bright" you are young, you are good at science. Opportunity will not come two times Marcus "just silent, now I start to explain some material for him. That day my condition deteriorated a bit "uhuk-uhuk uhuk" "pak Rafly why? Are you okay? "Marcus asked, perhaps my lungs flared again-in my heart" no, I'm good. Learn to get here first, tomorrow we connect ya "he obey me, and immediately go home as well as Qifa. Right now I'm in bed and thinking of something "I have to be sure that Marcus can, but these books seem to be lacking"

3 months after that, Marcus is getting smarter. He made a new formula, armed with a book of contributions from my friends, Marcus is very excited for all this. But my condition worsened, but my spirit to "tell" everyone in this world, if children from remote areas are also very clever.

Mother Asih too, he helped me in many ways. And a few days ago, I and Ibu Asih made simple hydroponics in school. Even though I am sick, I will not give up.

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