How to Take Action: Secrets from Tech Gurus for Remarkable Results

Taking action.

That is the one thing I need to do right now. I’ve had had many ideas in my head that went up in smoke because of my inability to put these into action. I am almost forty years old and…. I got nothing to show for?



That is some bullshit negative self-talk that I am engaging myself right now. 1, 2, 3, 4, 5…

Alright. What I did there is something I learned from one of Impact Theory’s brain hack tips.

Aaand we’re back.

One of the mind-blowing ideas that I have learned from these couple of days is Gary Vaynerchuk’s simple hack for overcoming writer’s block, documenting over creating. Many of the successful entrepreneurs like him, Seth Godin and Tim Ferriss, to name a few, are known to put out a lot of content for their followers. They have given so much value to the people who look up to them that they are comfortably reaping its rewards.

Documenting everything and finding some gems in the dirt along the way is a wonderful way to start.

I am now writing every thought and idea that comes through my head. Then I am going to share most of it to here, hopefully some people might find it interesting or helpful. Well, not literally everything. I don’t want to share those nasty things that I think about sometimes. But there might be some niche for that, I just don’t if this is the right medium for it. So, there are some limitations here to what we can share.

Anyways, I’ve been binge watching some Gary Vee videos this whole week. I wanted to absorb everything that he’s been spewing and learn as much from what he said. Plus, he’s so fucking entertaining as well, which, I don’t know… if it’s just me delaying the task at hand, the hard stuff that I told myself I’m going to do, like learning to code and justifying it as a learning time for me.

But here’s the thing, If I don’t put into action the things I’ve learned from the videos that I’ve been watching, then it would be a waste of my time, right?

I have to find some balance here.

Having set my foot on the path towards mastery, which is an endless way, a limitless endeavor, I find myself conflicting having so much time and being patient, with not having goals and working towards it. That is the danger of self-paced learning that I am in. It is so much easier to do away with working on your tasks and just kicking back and getting distracted by whatever shiny thing that grabs my attention.

Here’s a problem I can see with documenting my life, I have to gather all those thoughts and make it coherent for it to be consumable. As I try to do it here as I go along, I tend to lose track of where this post should be heading. This is a meandering mess. I guess you’ll just have to bear with me here as I learn the ropes, so to speak.


Garyvee gave me some wonderful insights on how to become the person you want to be in this social media age.

Should check out his video below because there are tons of information there that everyone should know about.

So I am documenting my life right now. Didn't I just said this? Fuuuck. I'm sorry you have to read through this and I am sharing this shit with the world. Good thing this isn't on video. That is why I am starting with this platform because I am most comfortable right now with just writing. Self-awareness! As the charismatic businessman would say. I would blabbering aimlessly and stumbling over my words. hmm...

With writing, I can say shit and take it back when I am not comfortable with it. (Or edit it as I read through it again, like I've been doing now.) I don’t have to stammer and grasp for words and mumble it out. I am going teach myself to be better at it though.

I was going to say, “by then I will be confident enough to speak in front of a camera or recorder…” but fuck it! I am going to just do it and watch myself evolve through the process. I don’t know where I read it but I have to be comfortable in looking foolish, everyone starts somewhere, right?

One of my goals in life is to a better communicator. As you can see, if you've suffered enough to have read through this, I am not doing well with communicating my thoughts. I need to get better at this. I am wandering off and getting side tracked. I think what I am trying to say is, since I am a little bit introverted, I am more comfortable writing than speaking in front of a thousand eyeballs glaring at me. I need to prepare reeeeeaaaaaallll hard to speak in public. So, talking in front a camera is a lot better proposition for me.

Engineering my life.

This is the action that I am taking. I've never thought about a long term goal, until now. I still have decades of adventure ahead of me and I am going to have you tag along with me. I don’t know where it is going. I don’t know how it is going to be. But that is the beauty of life. No one knows what lies behind the corner.

I am teaching myself how to code and be a web developer this year (or couple of years). There is still more than eight months left in the year, so there is still plenty of time for me. And along with that, I am honing writing skills as I document my journey on becoming a web developer. I would also like to contribute here something other than creative content.

To do that.

I’ve started an online course on Udemy, Colt Steele’s Web Development Bootcamp. It’s been great so far. I am almost halfway through it so I am still far from reaching any competency in it. I am also planning on taking Launch School’s Slow Path to Proficiency course after I am done with the online Bootcamp, which I am using as prep work for Launch School. But before enrolling in that one and shelling out a couple hundred bucks a month, I am going to exhaust every free resource that is out there.

There is so much free content on learning how to code that anyone with a computer and internet connection can start their journey to become web developers or software engineers.

Yeah. That's what I am doing now.

Anyways, I am going to stop right here for now. I need to go back to work and learn some shit.


For the mean time, check out my other posts here:

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