Being the Best Version of Yourself <<B-B-V-Y>>


We all have the capability to do something great. It is within us. The power to create, the power to transform, the power to overcome. if you dont give up on the never ending journey of success. You are going to get there eventually. A popular country music singer once said in his songs "pressure make diamonds: much harder than stone and they would be finer".

As humans we all have flaws. But upon noticing your flaws what do you do ? It is incumbent that you work on any flaws that you have. You have to get rid of anything that is detrimental to your progress. if it is detrimental to your business, health, marriage, friendship, academics it being in any part of your life.

What you should also seek to do is to see improvement in whatever that you do. Lets say you make this amount of money within the week around 5 dollars. On you journey of being the best version of yourself, you should aspire to make lets say 7 dollars within the next week. The extra 2 dollars is you get on the 5 dollars you get is the result of the hard work that you are going to invest within the work. Perhaps you did a small job or something to compliment your already existing work.

So therefore if you are a student do not give up, if you are a teacher don't give up, if you are an entrepreneur, if you are a steemit newbie don't give up. Push hard and become a better version of yourself. Just think of the best you that you want to be and find a mentor who has gotten to that destination and follow.

A wise man once said;

Each one teach one
Each one feed one
Each one educate one
Each one mentor one
Each one follow one

Being the best you is not a day's journey but a continues and progressive one aspire to be the best you each and everyday and you are going to be on top.

These are the people I am privileged to have encounter to etch this passion and drive in me @dobartim, @flysky - my motivator, @therence, @neoxian, @ackza

The Journey Begins now.........Who do you want to be?


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