Embracing limitations//breaking free


I don't know about all of you but I've been feeling more tired than usual and when I feel tired I find it difficult to be motivated and consistent with my goals!

If any of you feel the same way I have something to share with you that will give you the boost you need!

Im going to give you some of the powerful one liners in a very encouraging video I listened to a few days ago! What's really great about these powerful phrases is that you can meditate on them, roll them around in your head, until you've taken everything out of that phrase.  

So here goes!! 

*It's a dangerous thing to trust your dream to someone elses dissapointments.

*The limitations you embrace will regulate the blessings you experience.

 *Sometimes we are starving, not because of something God did not supply, but because something he supplied we cannot seize.

 *Dont lean on people who insist on dragging you into their dysfunctional way of thinking,sometimes something you lean on in one season that props you up, can paralyze u in the next season.

*Sometimes we have support systems in our lives that are unable to carry the weight of what God is speaking to us.

 *I don't want to get into the middle of a famine in my life and be leaning on someone that doesn't have faith, for the life I am trying to live, I can't be surrounded by people who refuse to believe that better days are ahead and that greater things are in store. 


 *Sometimes I have to restrict access and I can't just be around anybody and I can't just listen to anybody. 

*I cannot believe everything I see and I certainly can't believe everything I hear, sometimes I have to mute some thoughts I think and some voices I hear

That's already a lot to chew on and you haven't even listened to the video yet!

Write these phrases down and read them until your thinking is renewed and listen to the video!

Here is the link :

Hope this encourages you today!


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