Failing once is a trial of success but giving up once is a sign being a failure. Everyone that ever succeed in life had one time of failure or the other. No one ever gets to a height of success without failing and those who eventually get there by chance do not last because they don't know the value of success and are not experienced in handling rough times. When you fail then it's time to gather up yourself, be brave like a warrior and guard up yourself to fight again.

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Wounded soldiers don't retrieve themselves from war but rather they undergo some treatment and return to the battle field because it's either success or they die at the battle field.

Warriors are not afraid of failures at wars because they know their winning is a must

Failure is part of success, you understand success better when you fail but never fail intentionally. Every failure is pointing you to the city of success which is just steps away. See your failures as pot holes on your way to success and not your bus stop

That you failed at some point does not mean you should give up but you should arise like a warrior who is ready at all cost to get victory. My friend you got to put away fear and confront your obstacles. Gear up your strive for success and fight.

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Don't give up yet on your dreams. The challenges you are facing is because you are close to achieving greatness. Don't up but rather brace up and press on.

Giving up was not in the initial plan when you started, so don't add it now you have gone far
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