It has been said that evil prevails when good men do nothing it is also true that mundanity and mediocrity prevails where excellence is absent.


Express your thoughts, act on the gains of democracy,the Rights of expression, express yourself, express your thoughts, speak up!! Speak out!! Be heard, your society needs you.
Contribute your ideas, if you think and say nobody will listen to you, they will sooner or later, just keep talking,just keep writing and constantly perfect your work, improve yourself, sooner or later they will listen to you.

Let this be your mindset : Tell yourself I am quotable,look at yourself and see wealth, see greatness, see the best of yourself, see the best Engineer, the best Doctor,the best Lawyer whatever the case may be,see yourself as the best. You must continually see yourself that way, don't let anyone despise your youth, in America image the black boys that were taken from the slumps became some of the best basketballers, they have largely left that game for the black tall boy image the Stout ones went into wrestling and boxing image and became the best, they have left sport for the black.

Africa let me tell you a secret,your excellence is not only in sports, your abilities are not limited to sports, in Europe some of the best footballers are from this country, the secret is this our excellence is not limited only to football, because all of those sports are a result of mental works, it proves we could do something with our minds now we must include the discipline to go further beyond the sports and produce the best books,the best schools, the best hospitals.

We can set the pace and grow a sustainable economy in Africa image and transit from third world to first world and we will.

Understand this that the

The micro economic system between sovereign nation's is not only inter-related, they are inter-dependent that means we need one another.
I need you, you need me, and because you need me I want to give you the best so I will improve myself so that when you require my ability I will give you the best of me, you must also improve yourself so that when I need you I know am getting the best of you, together when we put the best together we can have a triving nation.

The key right now is Education.

We must all invest in education, let's us all get concerned with the educational system, if you haven't gone to school go to school image, don't stop until you have done it, don't let poverty stop you, don't let lack or want stop you, let nothing discourage you, go to school!! IF THEY WILL NOT GIVE YOU ADMISSION IN ANY SCHOOL, GO AND BUY BOOKS AND START READING, make that choice, the next five years,the next ten years you will be ready, if you make that choice now in five years time the opportunity will be there and you will be ready.

Never use insultive and abusive words against leaders, it is wrong. When you use insultive words it means you are of a poorer breed (leases quality), the excellent mind never insults, there are higher words of communication, never repeat a scandal, you should have too much rank for that, train yourself to use excellent words, to speak in praise worthy terms,use helpful and comforting words, leave the dirty jobs to others, leave it to those who are untrained and uncivilized.

Practice high ideals,make a difference

It is said the last shall be the first and the first the last, Africa let stand up, let's put our mind power to work.

From Nigeria to the whole of Africa let's push for black excellence, refuse to settle for mundanity and mediocrity, refuse to be average, let's build our self esteem,let's break out from this Amber of shame that has coaxed our creativity, let's us be an activist for excellence and integrity, where ever we are we should be conscious that we are pivotal to change, let's give our best, everything worth giving and doing let's do it,let us stand up for black excellence, let's revolutionize and rebrand our race.

God bless NIGERIA image, God bless Africa, God bless planet Earth.


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