The ever unending pursuit for happiness in life



Life is such a complex thing isn't it? People from different races, cultures, continents and countries with different beliefs all coming together to form the integral part of life on this planet Earth. One thing that draws my attention is one thing that is common amongst all they different groups of people on this planet Earth. Their ever unending pursuit for happiness in life. Most people have their different ideas of what a happy life is and so set out in life to achieve just that but the problem is even though all set out to pursue happiness in life, not all finally find it. This is simply because they thought wrong and were just mistaken thinking they will get happiness if they achieve a particular thing in this life.

The fact is, the human nature in us has been fixed in a way that it always craves for more. For example today, you might think if i am made Finance manager of my company, i will get a good pay and be happy but the truth is when you eventually become the Finance manager, it will seem satisfying and you will feel happy and fulfilled but soon that will not be enough. You will start craving for more and maybe set your eyes on the CEO position of your company.
This just illustrates that many are mistaken if they think they can be happy and satisfied if they make it to the top because the truth is, **the higher you go in life, the more you crave to go even higher and no level will ever be satisfactory and make you happy in life, so you'll ever be in pursuit for happiness.



The truth is, many people are pursuing the wrong things thinking it will bring them happiness or just have this wrong idea conceived about being happy in life. Some think you need to be rich to be happy, some think you need to be successful to be happy in life, some think you need to be married to be happy and others think you need kids to be happy and so forth. All the different ideas people have about happiness and so some people pursue it with all these stocked in their minds, eventually achieve it but still are not happy. Ever pursuing but never finding it, ever trying to understand it but never getting the understanding, ever asking but not receiving it.

What makes Person X happy in life is different from what will make Person Y happy in life.

Some people have never really taken out time to truly lool deep within and pick out that one thing that really makes them happy. Rather they look at the life of other people who appear and seem happy to them and try to emulate it. That is a very wrong thing to do and the outcome might be disappointing to you and not what you expected at all. We are all wired differently and created with different passions, likes/dislikes, taste, values etc. When it comes to happiness in life, It is all about you and what makes you happy. It is rather unfortunate too that some people don't even know themselves and so cannot even tell what makes them happy. You really need to search within you and get that one thing or else all your life, you'll just be chasing shadows.

And don't confuse pleasure with happiness. Sometimes we do a lot of things that give us temporary pleasure and a sensational feeling of amusement and you think you are happy or you think that is the source of your happiness in life; that is not true. Do not mix a sensation of pleasure with happiness. Sometimes we might think we are happy but deep down we know we are just deceiving ourselves. Sometimes we look in the wrong places and so can never find it.
Have you been looking?
Have you been in pursuit for happiness?

Then i will tell you to look deep down within you, ask yourself the right questions, look in the right places and you might just find what you are or have been looking for.

Note: A content person filled with love is always happy and you might want to remember that.

Are you living a happy life?

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