Why don't you check yourself?

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There is a popular poverb in the Yoruba tribe from Nigeria "eni bama dasho funni, Torun ee Nlan koko wo" - literary translation in English "A person that wants to give someone cloth, what he wears must be checked first". Forgive my Yoruba and it's translation.

The meaning of this proverb is all encompassing. Say, why complain about others when you haven't checked yourself? Those who spend their time looking for shortcomings of others, usually spend less time correcting their own ills. The best way to point out others fault is by laying emphasis on the fault in your own self

When you blame and criticize others, you are undoubtedly avoiding the truth about yourself. A self absorbed person can easily see faults in others but are often eye blind to their faults, people will tend to avoid you if you are always angry, grouchy and full of yourself.

To find a solution to a problem, you have to recognize your share of the responsibility, if you only blame the others you will never be able to solve it.

Why not be happy with yourself and be happy with others?, why not listen to understand instead of listening to respond?, why not put yourself in others shoes and see how it fits?.

Stop complaining

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