I'm open to be corrected

English is not my first language. You probably notice that I have tons of grammar lapses with my previous post. I'm not gonna deny I have issues in expressing myself in words even with my own language and it was even harder in english. People tend to misinterpret me with things that I say but I know I'm improving.

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Growing up, me being youngest in my clan, I was exposed with so much criticism and comparison with other family members. Their words affect me on how I respond with others as they are molding me as strong as I can be. I can't blame them for that. They just thought what would be the best for me and I'm glad my foundation is strong enough that I can face any storm on my own.

Human beings are naturally imperfect but I don't use that excuse to commit the same mistake that's from me is stupidity. Each experience helps us build who we are today. Mistake is equally important as success. We struggle with our mistake so we know how to celebrate our success.

They say that mistake is the best teacher that we could have. People tend to be slave with their past mistake. We highlight so much with the mistake that we did and blaming our self with the result which you have been better. In this life, we experience everything for the first time so don't be hard on yourself just be open to be corrected and move forwarded. Learn with your past mistake.

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You probably thinking at I reach the "success" that everyone desire. Not quite. I often find myself frustrated how less that I can do or I wasn't able to do. The world that we are in right now has so much to offer. The world is revolving so fast don't be stuck with past mistake.


I don't know where you are right now? You probably at your rock bottom climbing thru your success or reach what your heart desire but always remember to enjoy each of the moment.


Did you notice any grammar lapses? Feel free to correct me in the comment section below. :)


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