Why Don't You Get Up And Get Rid Of That Obstacle Before You Get Entangled With It? Take Advantage Of The Fact That You Have Seen The Problem Before Hand And Provide A Solution To It Before It Attacks You

I was sitting in my friend's room this morning when I suddenly noticed that a cobweb was hanging loosely at the entrance of his room, I was really carried away with was I was doing that I wanted to ignore it until I remembered that I hated the feeling of a cobweb around me and I might ignore it now and get entangled in it later on, so that made me get up on my feet and I instantly did what I was supposed to do.

Relating My Experience Today With Life Happenings.

So many times when we realize that there is a problem in front of us, it is usually our belief that we will deal with it later or as it is usually mentioned, we will cross the bridge when we arrive at the bridge eventually.
But one question I keep asking myself is, if you have seen the problem that awaits you by the bridge before you get there, why don't you look for another route to the bridge or better still, begin to look for a way to tackle the situation before you get there, instead of folding your hands all the way to the bridge.

I strongly believe that there is usually no problem without a solution, and of course there is nothing that life throws at us that we cannot handle, it is just that sometimes, we do not even know how strong we are, so we just think that a particular situation is beyond our power and what we do is to fold our hands and allow it overwhelm us.

Look For A Way TO Cross The Bridge Even Before You Get There.

Sometimes, we have the opportunity to see the problems that await us before we get there, but because we do not want to stress ourselves out, we prefer to stay calm with folded hands until the problem eventually overwhelms us and in that case, it is usually even more difficult for us to set ourselves free.

Take a look at the experience I had with the cobweb this morning, I would have gotten myself entangled if I had not taken advantage of the fact that I had seen it beforehand, and it would have even been more difficult for me to remove from my body, but because I did what I should do, I found it pretty easy a task to carry out.

I hope this post inspires someone to wake up and begin to provide solutions to possible problems even before everyone begins to notice, look for a way to get rid of it because you can certainly handle it.

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