I just observe that coming to world, two things are involve, either you come to be a leader or a follower, if you ar folower then you are save in surffering but if you are leader two things are involve you may be civilian leader or millitry leader;if you ar civilian leader you are save but if you are militry leader two things are involved, you may be militry leader in office or in war front, if it is in office then you are saved but if it is in war front two things are involve either they kill you or you kill them, if they kill then you are eternally save but if you kill them, two things are involve ether you kill legally or illegally,


if you kill legally you are save for another mision but if kill ilegally two things are involve either you are jourdge to be kill or to jaill, if you ar jourdg to be kill you are eternally saved but if you are jourdge to be jailed two things are involved;they may sentence you to death or dehumanise yo for a certain period of time and release you but if they sentence you to death you are eternally saved but if they humanise you please many things ar involves;but death mark end of any strongle; that is irony of life , do not take needless risk, whoever do; he is not corrage but rude.

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