Good Morning Sunshine

The most successful entrepreneurs wake up early, following a routine they strategically put together to launch their day into overdrive.

You watch as the world around you is waking up with a high powered routine but for some reason, you can't figure out how they do it. You try but you still end up waking up at 10 in the afternoon.

There are many aspects of productivity but the first and most important step is waking up earlier. And the answer is all in a flip of the mind switch.

Notice how I said 10 in the afternoon. If I am not up by 8 Waking up.jpgam (at least) every morning I have already failed one of my goals for the day. Time goes by so quickly that once it is 110 am you have a few breaths until it is noon.

Look at time differently. Take the word "only" out of the sentence. It is not "only 10 am," "it is 10 am." There is a big difference when you add the word only but this can help you see the importance of time.

Like everything else, we have a choice what we do with our time. For starters on your new morning routine, stop laying in bed letting your mind wander. The easiest way to stop this is by putting on a motivational speech. I recommend YouTube for this because you have the visual as well. Every morning, my phone is my best motivator. I carry an intense set of words around during the time it takes to get out of bed and get ready to take on the day. I have never been so un-stoppable in my life. Motivational speeches have not only helped me wake up in the morning but they have transformed my life and my mindset.

The next big thing takes place on the floor stretching, moving, and possibly even jumping jacks. Getting your blood flowing automatically sends those happy feelings straight to your brain. To this day I have never used caffeine to wake up and never will. This is a natural enhancement to your mood and awareness, stop taking "motion" for granted. It is a gift and should be cherished.

My favorite and easiest way to wake up is as simple as drinking a big glass of water. Once I learned to listen to my body, water has become my stable. I allow these first big gulps in the morning to flow evenly down my throat and pay attention as it rushes through my intestines, this is my form of yoga. The beauty of cleanliness from the inside out awakens a fresh new "you" every day. Spruce it up with cucumbers, lemons, or oranges but always have your water handy for the early morning pick me up.

Drop coffee. gasp I know. But have you ever really thought about the caffeine and its effects? Drinking your energy sets you up for a harsh crash and instead of going to the gym or starting a new healthier routine most people grab more coffee for history to repeat itself. Drop if for one week and take my advice. See how it makes you feel. Your body, mood, and earlier mornings will thank you for it later.

And last not but not least, start your morning by accomplishing something. I like to empty the dishwasher as I eat my breakfast. This keeps me moving around but also starts my day with knocking a task off of my to-do list setting my entire day up for accomplishments.

Find what makes you tick in the morning. I have a friend that thrives on the act of stirring her hot tea as she wakes up. This puts a smile on her face every day. It could be something as simple as this or as complex as a HITT workout at the gym. But figure it out and make it your life.

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