Allow Your Growth

Growth can be defined as a stage in the process of growing. From the above definition it can can be concluded that growth is a step by step process, it doesn't just happen, it could take days, months, years, of preparation, dedication, and hard work.
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The reason why most people don't stay at the top for a long time is because more than working hard, we believing in cutting corners, "taking short cuts". We are all in a hurry it seems, we all want to be Wealthy, at the blink of an eye,but the question is, are
willing to put just enough effort to actualize our dreams?, or we live in a world of fantasy where all our goals are set and achieved in our minds.

It's important you allow your growth. If you to get to the last floor of a 4 storey building, or sky scraper it's either you use the stairs or the lift, there's no jumping there, or do you skip the first steps of a ladder, and find yourself at the top of the ladder??. This points out to the fact that it is one step at a time. You might try to play smart by skipping some steps on the success ladder, but don't be surprised if those steps you skipped bring your back crashing on the floor.

  • One might want to ask how do I allow my growth?

Allowing your growth simply means taking a step by step procedure or process to enable you attain growth in your sphere of life.

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    Once you're able to figure out what you want with your life,take baby steps. This may be the simplest, but it's the most effective strategy. Do not rush it, it one step at a time. The first step at succeeding is to start. Start from somewhere, no matter how small just start. It's important to note that small attainable goals propels us towards achieving greater successes.


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This is key in whatever you do. Successful people are known for their patience and consistency, the world doesn't recognize people that stopped halfway. Worthwhile goals require patience, you need to understand that achievening your goal requirea a tremendous amount of patience, with this at the back of your mind, it'll go a long way in reducing the risk of quitting when things go sour, or slow down. Consistency is a measure of our inner strength, most persons are consistent until something goes wrong. Once there's a storm, most persons tend to pull out, and most times totally give up. Consistent people are like the farmers, they plant, wait for the rain, and nurture their plants, until harvest. Setbacks are inevitable, expect that you'll encounter series of problems in achieving set goals, now it's gonna take patience to never give up, and consistency to keep moving on.

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    This is no news, you probably must have heard it a number of times, it might sound stale to you.
    Many people work hard, but only a few become successful. All smart work has its foundation on hard work, but smart work helps you achieve your goals faster, compared to hard work.If you want to work smart, you have to be smart. If you want to create value in the creative society, your brain muscle must be as strong as possible. You wonder why most construction workers ain't so wealthy though they work so hard?. Smart workers aware of what they want and go for it, with more than just hardwork,they have a plan, they have a strategy. Hardworkers just have a vague idea of what they want, and most times don't take thee best decisions in the hope that hard work will pay off some day. Sometimes it does work and other times, it doesn't. Work smart!!!

Life ain't a bed of roses, some people get it on a platter of gold, why some have to work their ass off to get it. It's important we note that we all have our race to run, discover yourself, know what works for you, allow your growth, do not be in a haste to get it. Some got it very early, good for them, the fact you ain't there now shouldn't deter you, keep doing your thing, and one day the spotlight will be yours.

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