Nothing teaches us more...

Why do you need a second chance?

As we life and breathe, there are no second chances because life is too short for one to keep wishing for a second chance.
You have all the time now to do that "thing" the right way and not be afraid of failures, why not do it right?
Second chances being wished for when we already missed the chance to make the best of given chances means, we may likely never use another chance well. So why bother?

When we are given the chance to prove ourselves, we fight it because we think we are being unjustly treated, and in the midst of overwhelming odds if we only but try to treat the situation with the best we have in us we will come shining like knights.

I Feel Blessed!

But the truth is, nothing will teach you more about you than you being with the people you think hate you, like you, love you, tolerate you, despise you, annoy you, fight you, degrade you, etc.

  • Being on this love propelled Blockchain, I have come to understand what my place in life truly is.

It is just a force of nature and believe me, it is not pretty but if you allow it have its way, you will be the better for it because then and only then, will you be able to find out who you are and what your place really is.

Whatever happens to us in life are lessons; lessons we never get enough of or get out of learning. Life is schooling you and when you cannot be able to keep up, you are left in the drains of human intelligence.
Staying alive means, staying in class to keep learning these lessons because, from these teachings and the labels of impossibilities starts your acceleration.

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