The Game Of The Giant in The Creative World Of Steemit

We sleep with open eyes as the numbers disturb the mind, we are dust that rises above the average and falls below the giant's legs. The value of Bitcoin, Steem, Steem Dollar is just a fiction of our faith. If we believe in the money - he exists, when we stop believing in Bitcoin he will become dust. Success is not an external factor but is based on faith and numbers. If no one believes in the significance of temples, they will become a desert, we determine our destiny. The giants know that success depends on their decisions, actions and courage. The first knowledge does not mean anything if you do not have the heart, the courage to apply the right knowledge leads you to the path without return, the path that leads you to the top of your personal potential. If we believe in Steemit then the project will get a new dimension and the value of Steem will become as big as the sun. Leave negative news, stories that poison our soul and thoughts. Let's turn our luck towards our decisions, goals and plans.

Whales have the greatest power, they hold the highest percentage of Steem Power. Small fish dream of the day when they become big, they grow every day when they eat good motivational food. The game of numbers wins in the long run, a large number of small fishes will have greater voting power than a whale at one moment. Our mission is to be great swimmers in the big competition of digital currencies, our job is to present Steem and Steemit through our blogs, words and characters. Inspiration starts with enthusiasm, while motivation is a matter of goal selection. Inspiration starts with enthusiasm, while motivation is a matter of goal selection. Their interest is to give us knowledge and to reward us for quality posts and comments. We are happy because the system is made in such a way that the voting power depends on the number of activities on Steemit. If whales do not support small fish, then the number of activities will decrease and their voting power and the value of Steem will fall.

The most important things for success in life are good communication, strong character, knowledge and courage. There is no technical or internet opportunity that will give us a way of thinking of the winner. There is only the right way and universal rules that work the same for all people on the planet. First we need to be in our head, then we should work with enthusiasm and great discipline to become successful. To Be - To Work - To have, this is a magic top management formula. It is very important to be in an environment that stimulates our neurotransmitters in the brain, they act like mirrors, what we see we do. We have information in the crowd and we can choose them based on logic, experience and intuition, it is even more important for us to know what we want in life. Money can not make us happy, but can eliminate many causes that make us unhappy. Find your peace, run your talents to work for you and all the people on the planet.

It's not easy to be lonely, and if you work only for material interest, you will become it. Steemit unifies people in various directions, from material lobby groups to creative exchanges of thoughts and ideas. We are at the crossroads of the universe of the digital revolution, every day we have incredible information and novelties. I like to read great blogs, they bring me enthusiasm and bring my spirit to a higher level of energy and awareness. Before you want to write a topic, try reading a few good posts or an excellent book, it will inspire you with a strong emotional charge where your thoughts will fly to the new dimension of success. Every day I feel the need to learn something new, Steemit is a true library of great knowledge that is growing every day. Find yourself in the sea of ​​the same grains of sand and create a unique brand of yourself and your posts.


Find yourself in the sea of ​​the same grains of sand and create a unique brand of yourself and your posts.

Believe in yourself @dobartim

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