I made up my mind a year ago that I had no time for worrying. This resolution came after the news of my father's demise got to me on campus. It was the worst time for such an incident - so I thought. But when really is the right time to lose a loved one? Things happens; live continues.

If I get a toothache, I don't worry about it until I can't bear the pain any longer, as I used to do. At the first twinge, I'm on my way to the dentist. There's no wisdom putting off the inevitable; you've got to go sooner or later - so I go sooner and avoid a lot of pain and anxiety.

Schopenhauer wrote;

"A certain amount of care or pain or trouble is necessary for every man at all times. A ship without ballest is unstable and will not go straight."
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One trick I use to avoid worry is this: whenever something happens that may cause me disturbance or trouble, I immediately think of the worst that can happen. As soon as I visualize that, I prepare myself accordingly, then forget about it.

So, instead of worrying without reason, so to speak - regardless of what's worrying you, what's the very worst that can happen? If the worst is not death, or the end of the world, prepare for it in the best way you can - then forget it.

Stop fretting over things that must be. Let's face it - there is nothing much you can do about a rainy day -except use umbrella. Another valuable truth is that, most of the things we worry about never happens anyway.


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