Be yourself


Finding your purpose is a lifelong adventure.
Enjoy the journey
everything else will fall into place after
Focus on what raises your vibration
Anything that sets your soul on fire,
makes you excited and gives you those goosebumps is in alignment with your purpose

I think about where i was one year ago today and I breathe a deep breath
I am not where I want to be,
but I am not where I was once was.

Imagine criticizing a kid everyday
Telling him he's no good, he's a failure,
He can’t do anything right
Everyone agrees kid will be demoralized & possibly affected for rest of his life
Keep that in mind next time you allow your mind to criticize you all day.

No matter how you feel, start your day by saying to yourself:
“Why am I so lucky?”
Say it aloud now.

Givers give without expecting anything. Matchers give expecting you to give them back.
Takers like to take more than they give.
Takers are black holes, sucking energy from those around them.
Stay away from takers.
In long-term, givers get far more than they ever give. Be a giver.

Laying it all on the line all day,
everyday, driving yourself to exhaustion over a goal,
when others have long given up & quit after mocking you for not seeing “reality,”
when you continue to fight for what you want no matter what
that’s what makes you serial winner. Never quit!

Decisions are always difficult but success constantly requires being decisive. If you feel you have trouble being decisive, start making decisions in small things. As you start being decisive in as many things as possible, you will find yourself becoming more and more decisive.

Some of y’all need to learn from your past, not live with it.

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