Find Inspiration & Motivation - and then use it to sell.

A few weeks ago, I randomly drew a random picture and put it on a t-shirt. I had 10 shirts out already without a single sale. Suddenly this one started selling. A silly doodle of a picture I liked....

That's when I realized... if I like something, chances are hundreds of other people like it. So I started making t-shirts base on what inspired me. Now the remaining challenge was just getting noticed in the hordes of competition.

Here's an example. I saw this motivational poster online and felt inspired! A bit later... I just made a shirt of it. Because why not? I love the quote, it reminds me to keep working.


This was the result:

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As Tim Ferriss says, by making stuff that YOU love, you have a guaranteed market of one (well, actually he says "scratch your own itch"). Better than just guessing, right?

And hey, if you make something and nobody sees it? You still did more than all the couch potatoes... You can't have a lucky hit without putting yourself out there! By the way, the random shirt that finally started selling? IT WAS THIS ONE. You really don't know what's gonna work until you try it! GO FOR IT!

Note, if you visit this post on a later date, the links might not work. I only keep up my best selling shirts so I can be focused and streamlined.
Goal: #passiveincome, baby :)

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