Thanks Community, 200 Followers

Another 'Thanks for certain number of followers post', sorry if some of you are tired of seeing posts like this. But I am really am grateful.

It only took about two weeks for 200 followers. Thanks. Steemit has been great. I have written about Steemit a few times, honestly I could write about it a lot more. This is all still pretty amazing for me.

I have been at a pretty low point in my life the past few months. Not the lowest I have ever been, but pretty crappy. Money very tight. Family and relationship issues. My own poor life decisions. I won't get into it, you have all struggled and heard the struggle.

Like many people I have dealt with pretty serious depression much of my life. It can be very bad some days.

I have always wanted to write. I really want to become an author. Have a career writing novels. I really think I can do it sometimes. Sometimes I tell myself I am being very unrealistic and I should go get another job I HATE. I have worked many crappy jobs and was not excited about my future.

In many ways I have been stuck in limbo. Job or unrealistic dream? I know many people who give up on their dreams before they even attempt to accomplish their dreams.

My girlfriend bought me a book called "How to Write A Novel and Get Published for Dummies". I really enjoy it when I read it. Sometimes I tell myself to stop wasting my time.

I always wanted to make money online. I wasn't sure the avenue or literally even the first step. I would sparingly look into things. Too shy for YouTube. Too dumb for marketing. Too shy for really much of anything. For awhile even blogging confused me. Make money how?

I was a High School Dropout as of like 8 months ago till I got my GED. So I am not exactly qualified for many special jobs. I can't just apply to become a writer like you can apply for Wendy's.

I am not dumb or afraid of work at all. I just honestly do not want to work until age seventy or older. I am so scared of that.

I used to think I want a job or a way to make money for like my generation or my time period if that makes sense. I probably sound like a millennial hahaha! Oh well.

I made a meme page on Facebook with some friends years ago. I made a sports page on Facebook. I have a blog. I was really trying to do something. Anything.

Then one day on Reddit I heard of Steemit and signed up that morning. A few weeks later I was approved. For awhile on Steemit I was waiting for the catch. I have gotten excited about of a lot of opportunities in general. This one really seemed too good to be true.

I have only been here two weeks and I did not come for the opportunity to get rich quick. Nor am I anywhere near rich. I intend to work and hope something good happens.

I wake up now and I have hope. Hope for my future for the first time ever. More importantly hope for my son and step son's future.

I don't know if Steemit will crash tomorrow but this hope I have isn't something I had three weeks ago, and it is like the best drug.

I picture traveling with my family. No need to stress about how to pay the bills every week. It's fun to dream and Steemit is the sliver of light at the end of the tunnel for me. I intend to keep chasing it.

Steem on.

My son

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