Believe in yourself, because there is no limit to what you can achieve


The biggest difference I've noticed in life between successful people and unsuccessful people isn't intelligence or opportunity or resources. It's the believe they have that they can make their goals and dreams come through. Believing in yourself is more as trusting in yourself. You wouldn't believe in someone if you didn't expect them to make a difference. The successful ones are determined to make the situation work for them rather than playing the role of the victim and looking for reasons why a situation won't work.

Kids trust and believe in their parents because they know they are safe with them no matter what. A baby will prefer to be in the arms of the mother rather than in the hands of a stranger or close relative because they know the mother wont let the baby fall and you not being the mom, must earn their trust before you can carry them. Your boss wont hire you if he doesn't believe or trust you to make profits or help the company grow

I will love to share a short story by James Clear

He gave a story of how he started a business and he was the only entrepreneur in his family in the last century. He did not have to learn from anybody, because he trusted in himself that he will figure it out.

When he was kicked off a train while travelling through Hungary, he was lost, confused and stranded because he couldn't find anyone there who could speak English, so as the train pulled away he ran after the train, hopped back on, and trusted that he would figure it out anyway.

When he discovers an opportunity that sounds awesome but that he is not qualified for (which happens more often), he still trusts that he'll figure it out and go for it anyway.

He believed in himself and his confidence has made the difference for him many a times. He didn't need intelligence or opportunity or resources. All he needed was just a simple belief in himself.

The truth is, the only difference between you and the successful people you seems to admire is that they believe in themselves and are willing to work and move through their fears in order to get where they want to be.

Nothing will work for you if you don't believe in it. Once you believe you can make it, you will be pushed to take a bold step which could be leading you towards your success. Giving up should never be an option because once you give up, you've failed and once you've failed you've lost that trust in yourself that you can make it which brings you back to square one.

No idea will work for every person on earth, but many ideas can work for most people. If you believe that you can make them work, you have to be willing to not just think out of the box, but to also to experiment with new ideas and believe that you'll find a way to make them work.

I hope this little piece means something to you

Thanks for your time

still your friend


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