Keep Pushing Your Limits - JOURNAL #3

No matter what your pursuit in life, your going to have to specialize and become really talented at what you want to do. Work smarter. In some cases your going to have to push yourself to limits both physically and mentally. Through sports, running or even weight lifting you can teach yourself what it's like to train towards a certain point of exhaustion. For example, running for miles thinking you can't do it but your legs just keep moving. If you can build that kind of fortitude in a workout or gym you can apply it anywhere in life.
You ever wonder why some people seem to be more creative than others? Some of them are natural, but you can learn to be more creative. Study, practice, whatever your craft is you have to build experience. You have to make mistakes in order to become experienced. I wish I could type that in italics to emphasize the importance of the last sentence. Myself, for example, I'm an aspiring artist that at first couldn't draw hands that well or, legs or faces or eyes. But I studied, got the books, read and continue to read more, day by day practice until I'm better at it. Now, I'm not an expert but I'm leaps and bounds from my first sketch. That's my experience I built. Mentally, through repetition and, physically putting myself through the process.
Most good people are afraid of pushing their limits. They don't want to take risks, they don't have a sense of urgency. Some people just avoid it all together because their fear of failure is too high and irrational. They don't even start, and I should know, I delayed pursuing art for more than 6 years before I decided to try. And you'll never know what your capable of until you try. Keep improving. Keep getting better, not for showboating because it's a personal battle. Keep pushing your limits.
Thank you for reading at least a paragraph.
Have a great day.

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