Is Too Much Ambition A Bad Thing? - JOURNAL#4

It's awesome to be incredibly ambitions, but too many goals can actually prolong your success because you can't achieve everything all at once. If someone's goals within the next two years is to graduate with honors, have a part-time business, have the partner of your dreams and get ripped to 10% body fat at the gym, there's a high chance they won't achieve all of that. All of those things can be achieved but they need to be focused on, one goal at a time.
Whenever you take on a new skill or goal, there's a learning curve in the beginning. Progress seems slow and stagnant, most of your attempts aren't correct and it's difficult to tell what needs to be done right, and that's alright. If you are working on several big goals at once it's more likely you'll be stumbling. You need the time to work on one, figure out what works and what doesn't, and then move on to the other with that learned experience. And once you figure it out you can just cruise. Once you develop a rhythm with going to the gym, for example, it gets easier. Almost like auto pilot. Taking down 5 goals in the course of years is wiser than tackling them all at once.
You have a whole life time to achieve your goals. How long do you think it would take to achieve something new if you focused on it consistently? Having ambition isn't a bad thing, but too much of it can lead you down to a road of frustration. Knock down your goals one at a time. Don't try to rush or force goals. Your only going to short change yourself if you do. So plan the things you want to accomplish correctly. Be ambitious, but channel that energy into one step at a time.
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