Hey everyone,
I'm talking about leadership here, both on steemit and outside steemit.

"Leadership is unlocking people's potential to become better" -Bill Brandly

Because of leaders evolution, leaders evaluate everything with a leadership bias. People born with leadership ability are especially strong in the area of leadership perception. Others have to work hard to develop and hone it. But either way, perception comes from two things; the combination of natural ability, which comes in a person's area of strength and learned skills. It is an informed perception and it causes leadership issues to jump out on a leader in a way that they don't with others.
I regard leadership perception as the ability of a leader to read what's going on. For that reason, i say that leaders are readers.
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"A good objective of leadership is to help those who are doing poorly to do well and to help those who are doing well to do even better."- Jim Rohn


In all kind of circumstances, leaders pick up on details that might elude others. They "tune in" to leadership dynamics. Many leaders describe this as an ability to "smell" things in their organization. They can sense people's attitudes. They are able to detect the chemistry of a team. They can tell when things are humming and when they're winding down or getting ready to grind to a halt. They don't need to sift through stats, read reports or examine a balance sheet. They know the situation before they have all the facts. That is the result of their leadership perception.

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Most followers are focused on their current work. They think in terms of tasks at hand, projects, or specific goals. That is as it should be. Most managers are concerned with efficiency in terms of weeks, months or years. But leaders take an even broader view. They look years, even decades ahead.
Everything that happens around us does so in the context of a bigger picture. Leaders have the ability and responsibility to step back from what's happening at the moment and to discern nor only where the organization has been but also where it is headed. Sometimes they can accomplish this through analysis, but often the best leaders sense it first and find data to explain it later. Their intuition tells them that something is happening, that conditions are changing and that trouble or opportunity is coming. Leaders must always be a few steps ahead of their people, or they're not really leading. They can do that only if they are able to read trends.

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A major difference between leaders and everyone else is the way they see resources. A good worker encounters a challenge and thinks, what can i resources.
A good worker encounters a challenge and thinks, What can i do to help?
A high achiever asks, **How can i solved this problem? **
A peak performer wonders, **What must i do to reach the next level so that i can overcome this? **

Leaders think differently. They think in terms of resources and how to maximize them. They see a challenge as a problem or opportunity and they think, *Who is the best person to take this on?
What resources -raw materials, technology, information and so forth do we posses that will help us?
What will this take financially? How can i encourage my team to achieve success?

Leaders see everything with a leadership bias. Their focus is on mobilizing people and leveraging resources to achieve their goals rather than on using their own individual efforts. Leaders who want to succeed maximize every asset and resources they have for the benefit of their organization. For that reason, they are continually aware of what they have at their disposer.


"The greatest leader is not necessarily the one who does the greatest things. He is the one that gets the people to do the greatest things."- Ronald Reagan

Reading people is perhaps the most important initiative skill leaders can posses. After all, if what you are doing doesn't involve people ,it's not leaderships. And if you aren't persuading people to follow, you aren't really leading.
@surpassinggoogle is fond of saying "You're a whale to me" to newbies, i thought about it and drive something out that he's putting such newbie on some task that such is yet to do on his/her own , because he will says "If Bill Gates can produce Microsoft, definitely i can produce MicroHard" i see this act as an leadership because many will have been looking up to see something more from him every time and he always stand out to be successful because he always involves people in his line(people to let learn from him).

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Finally, Good leaders develop the ability to read themselves. "No one can produce great things who is not thoroughly sincere in dealing with himself." Leaders must know not only their own strengths and blind spots, skills and weaknesses, but also their current state of mind . Why? Because leaders can hinder progress just as easily as they can help create it. In fact, it's easier to damage an organization than it is to build one. We've all seen excellent organization that look generations to build begin failing apart in a matter of years.
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I also learnt something from @greenrun that i translated to my own best knowledge "People will be inspired from your heart not your face" leaders teaches what people will learn from them not what they want people to see.

When leaders become self-centered, pessimistic or rigid in their thinking, they often hurt their organizations because they are likely to fall into the trap of thinking they cannot or should not change. And once that happens, the organization has a hard time becoming better. It's declined is inevitable.

Thank to @surpassinggoogle and @greenrun for this inspiration i got from them.

This is form of my #untalented
Your boy Williams

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