My thoughts on positive thinking

When you are positive you attract the good will actions.

When you are positive you will try to communicate with a better understanding and listening to other people ideas without criticizing them.

You see good in others, you don't feel anxious because you know that your mindset is set to not accept negative thinking.

If you believe that you are sad then luck is not going with you. I said believe because actually everyone has something to be happy for. Everyone has the secret key of happiness and the power of now.

You attract positive talking with positive mindset.

More and more people will look nowadays into positive thinking and psychology because negativity is the mother of all problems.

After a long time of thinking positive you attract the good things in life.

No time for negativity.

No time for greedy talks.

No time for jealousy.

No time for be a bad guy.

You just let karma to do the job and feel the positive energy that comes with the right mindset. Now you are gonna tell me, how are we gonna stay positive in these tough days of our mankind. Then I ensure you that the progression is the key and not perfection. You have to control your thoughts. You have to set goals daily on how to be happy. What makes you happy? Do it first in the morning and after go to your work. For example if you like to workout then go gym before work. If you like playing guitar or piano, play it before going to work, if you like swimming then do it too before work.

After work relax, think that you are valuable and think that because of you something in some people lives is for the better good. People that are meant to stay, want you to be happy. Again no time for negative talking. You have to respect yourself and know when to avoid bad thoughts.

If you believe you can do it, then the only limitation is your mind.

Escape the prison of your mind. Let enlightenment take place and be peaceful with your past and determined for the future.

Your friends and family wants you happy, then why do you worry and thinking of bad things? We are here in this world to be happy and to create a legacy. Do you want your friends and family remember you as a unsuccessful person, or a greedy person? Who wants that? Nobody. We are here to be happy, we are here to enjoy life. Work smart, have fun and make history.


It's not selfishness to make your happiness a priority. It's indispensable.

Thank you for reading!

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