Acceptance & Gratitude: Two Things That Will Change Your Life


Acceptance or Unconditional Love or Divine Love: whatever you call it, if you can stop right now and take a moment to just accept yourself, your choices, your circumstances, and your life as it is now, and have the courage to move forward from there, your life will change drastically for the better.


Gratitude: being able to honestly find things about yourself and your life to be grateful for. Even if you can only find one thing at first. We all have to start somewhere. But if you focus on the things in your life that you are grateful for, your life will change dramatically for the better.

I know from personal experience that this will work because I practice cultivating more acceptance and gratitude in my life every day. It has done wonders for my attitude and outlook. If you want even more evidence on why these emotions will profoundly change your life for the better, check out this video on YouTube from the channel WhiteTimeHealing called "Water's Memories-The Mystery of Water-Scientific Proof."

(*Note: I did not create this video, and I am not seeking to take credit for this video. Please go to YouTube and directly support this person's channel.)

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