Motivasi Hidup

Hold the earth before the earth grips you, pijaklah earth before the earth treads you, then fight for this life before you enter the earth.
Do not regret what happened yesterday, but if you can not afford to be better today, you should regret it.


Appreciate what you have at the moment. Happiness will never come to those who do not appreciate what they already have.

When there is no word spoken, silence is able to express what is unspeakable. not everyone could understand, but best friend always understand.

Hatred is only self-defeating, smile when hurt. The heart without hate creates a strong and peaceful soul.

Love might make you hurt, but it makes you mature. Be personally always forgive, especially the heart.

If the time we fall does not mean we can not wake up again, unless we choose to surrender.

When you feel that knowing many things is actually a sign that you do not know many things.

Marriage is not at all the end of the series of "love" stories you've been knitting because you have not actually started anything yet.

Often we feel loving but what really happens is that we only emphasize pengakun for our existence.

Blessed are you if you can still feel sad because it means you are ready to receive happiness.

Your happiness is not determined by anyone else, but by yourself. What do you do today, determine your happy future.

One of the hardest things in life is to remain yourself when everyone is trying to turn you into someone else.

You can not go back in time and turn a bad start, but you can make a wonderful ending, from now on!

Do not pray for an easy life, but pray to be a tough human being.

Do not be too dependent on others. the fact is you are stronger than what you think, just you do not believe it.

Life is a choice. Whatever makes you sad, leave it ... without fear of loss of happiness in the future.

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