12 things we can not tolerate for what ever

1. Worst job

You spend almost half your life at work. Is it worth sacrificing such a huge part of your life, if it gives you no pleasure? Think about how this will affect your emotional state, health, personal relationships. Think how much you will miss opportunities to do something really worthwhile and interesting. So, maybe I have to live this way? Find a job that you like. If you need for additional education, learn. Or, at least, change something on your current job so that it was not a burden to you.

2. A long way to work

A long commute – whether by car or public transport is not only useless but harmful. A few hours in the car every day turn into days, months and years that you could use on something useful. Find a job closer to home or pereedte closer to work. This infinite way to work... he's not worth it.

3. Unhealthy lifestyle

You have excess weight? Do you smoke? Like "booze"? To eat junk food? Maybe "substance" is not averse to indulge? Unhealthy lifestyle leads to an unhappy life. If you're not looking, and feel even worse – how can it be happy? Our life is given to us only once and live it can only be in this body. So take care about it.

4. Exhausting personal relationship

If your life is a gross, pessimistic, aggressive, selfish, unethical, or crazy people, maybe it's time to let go? Yeah, maybe you have your reasons to cling to them, but whether they outweigh the negativity that they bring into your life? In any case, try to keep contact with such people to a minimum.

5. The mess in the house

Want to know a person? Take a look at how he lives. You don't have to live in a mansion with rooms full of stuff, but your living space should cause thoughts of joy, order and tranquility that we all so lacking in our lives. Our homes should be clean, neat, but not devoid of comfort and warmth. They have to please not only us but our guests.

6. Negative

He is constantly around us, stachivaya our minds as termites to wood. We see and hear negative ideas and images on television. Our friends and acquaintances are always a couple of negative stories of life. Negative song blood and violence in movies... we don't have time to look around, everything that enters our minds and we are plunged into hopeless depression. Enough. Turn off the TV. Go outside. Rather listen to the negativity. Better read a good book or watch a good, inspiring and positive movie.

7. Too many things

We love to hoard things. Like to buy a new one. Love to have a lot of things. But all this – our time, money and effort. Over time, things lose their novelty eagle and we lose interest in them. They become a burden – something, than we recall only when it comes time to clean the dust. So isn't it better to get away from it all and enjoy life?

8. Financial problems

Stress and emotional wounds caused by the financial problems that can deprive us of the last joy in life. What would these problems nor was caused by, it's time something to do with them. Yes, some of the difficulties with finances can not be avoided, but almost any situation can be mitigated – but at least analsis in pizza deliveryman until I got a better job. Or sold something unnecessary. Very few things in our life are so valuable that they should be stored, even living from hand to mouth.

9. Lying to yourself

Are you sure you live honestly and do not lie to yourself? Maybe you would like something to apologize or ask for forgiveness? When you live in defiance yourself, it hurts your mind and soul. It robs you of energy, causes a feeling of guilt and lowers self-esteem. So be honest with him. And live as it should.

10. Life without entertainment

If your life consists entirely of work and duties (even if the work you like), you live an unbalanced life. For healthy living it is extremely important to be able to from time to time to have fun and relax. Loosening the stranglehold of stress on your neck, you will free up more time for pleasant pastime, travel and entertainment. The world is your oyster, so open it!

11. Acceptance of ignorance and laziness

And then, and another we use as excuses what not to do. But we try to persuade ourselves not to do something because of fear. I'm afraid that will be difficult, that we have nothing that we screwed up... But it is really just excuses. Don't take them. Make the effort and you will be rewarded.

12. Lack of communication

In any personal relationships, and especially in relations with loved ones is extremely important in good communication. If someone is not talking, it often ends with suspicion, anger, irritability or feelings of helplessness. Open, honest, friendly communication is the key to creating a healthy relationship. But if you don't already have these skills – it's time to start to buy them!

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