Choose Gratitude And Become Happier


I was going to say, "Today is Grateful Saturday or Monday!"

...but I stopped right in my tracks and doesn't have to be just Saturday or Monday.

Why not be grateful each day?

So to start this tradition, let's all be grateful today and every day.

It doesn't matter how small or big. What matters is you're letting the Universe know that you're grateful!


Research shows that gratitude is associated with happiness. Gratitude helps people feel more positive, savor great experiences, improve the health of mind and body, deal with adversity, and build strong and healthy relationships.

To train your brain to become happier, you need to recall things you are most grateful for today. Recalling these things down has been shown to train your brain to think more positively. When you're happier, you are more productive. When you're happier, you attract and manifest more abundance in your life.

What five things are you most grateful for today? Post them below.

I will pick the 100 best things I could find and compile them in an article. You should know that participating in this gratitude exercise will allow me to include your responses to the article I am publishing soon.

Let's make this a daily helps and it works! You can come back here anytime, even every day to comment what you're grateful for that day.

Aloha nui loa! πŸŒΊπŸ’™πŸŒˆ

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