Thank you God for my Mother and Thank you Mom for Training us in The Ways of God

Mothers Day 2017
My Dear Mother,
I was awakened early this morning and was spending time with my Heavenly Father and He prompted me to turn in His Word in Psalms 71. As my heart was heavy for you and my family during our time of trouble, He reminded me through His precious Word in the book of John chapter 16 and in James chapter 1 that trouble and trials will be a part of our lives. As we know that the winds of life blow in these storms, we are comforted by our Faith in our God and His love for us. He was faithful to warn us in advance what was coming and His promise is that He would be in the midst of the storm to protect us and comfort us even when we are not able to see Him working on our behalf. Our God stands guard over us and covers us with His mighty wing as He is our refuge, our strong tower that we run into for safety. We see that in (Psalm 71 v 2) we are to ask God to listen as we cry out for Him to save us out of the hands of our enemies. We see in (Ps 71 v 3) that He is our Rock, Christ alone is the foundation of our faith, we stand firm on our Rock of Salvation and this Rock falls upon the wicked (Ps 71 v 4) spiritual darkness and unrighteous, cruel men. He helps us recall the times in our lives of His faithfulness when in (verses 5 and 6) it says “For you are my hope, O Lord GOD; You are my trust from my youth. By you I have been upheld from birth; You are He who took me out of my mother’s womb. Even when we knew nothing about Him and our spirits were dead because of our separation from Him, He was faithful to us and watched over us because He knew those of us who would answer His call to love Him and would worship Him forever. In everything, He was teaching us while guiding us through this time of testing as He finds us to be faithful and true to Him as we (Ps 71 v 8) “Let our mouths be filled with Your praise and with Your Glory all the day”. As we boldly declare how wonderful our GOD is regardless of our temporary circumstance we know that He is Faithful, He is with us, He is in us always and He fights our battles. We have the victory through Him and our worship of our King declares to the enemies of our soul that we have no fear and are completely confident that they have already been crushed by The Rock on which we stand. We have The Holy Spirit leading us as we shout with all knowing in the inner most depths of our soul that we call our Mighty GOD ( Ps 71 v 2) to rescue us and deliver us in Your Righteousness! We make known to all that have ears to hear that “we know GOD is working in everything concerning us (Ps 71 v 4) “But as for us, we will always have hope” as we are confident in the outcome even when we don’t understand the “mean time” as we wait upon the completion of His (Romans 8:28-29) Working all things together for the good of those who love Him, who are called according to His purpose. For those God foreknew, He also predestined to be conformed to the image of His Son, so that He would be the firstborn among many brothers… GOD knows from before the foundations of this world were ever set in this universe who would love Him and who would obey His Word. Therefore He has been faithful to watch over and protect us even when we were sinners and hated Him as His patience and mercy allowed us to be birthed into His Kingdom. Now all we have to do to see our victory in Him as we speak by faith, He does the work and we know the victory is near! He is our Deliverer as we testify about our GOD and we shout as to (Ps 71 v 14-15) Your Righteousness and Your Salvation (Ps 71 v 21) You will increase my greatness(honor) and comfort me on every side. Our part in the warfare is accomplished as we speak and sing praises to Almighty GOD, (Ps 71 v 24) My tongue also shall talk of your righteousness all the day long; For they are confounded, For they are brought to shame who seek my hurt.
I am very proud of you my Dear Mother as you have been such an example for your son’s all of these years. We have witnessed firsthand how through faith we have the victory now and forever more. I am thankful and am constantly reminded of your sacrifice of love as you stood strong to help us take our place in The Kingdom of Christ Jesus (Romans 8: 18-20) I consider that our present sufferings are not comparable to the glory that will be revealed in us. The creation waits in eager expectation for the revelation of the sons of God. We are now and forever will be united by the revelation of His amazing love for us as we await the Son of man to come in all of His Glory, and all the angels with Him, He will sit on His glorious throne and there we will be there, our hands raised together, in His Presence giving Him our worship and praise forever more. I love you Mom, Have a wonderful Mother’s Day!50th Aniversery.JPG

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