The love of mother can never be over emphasised.

I have sleepless night over how mighty the love of mother is in this life. Categorically when I say mother love, i don't know what I can uses to qualified like I said earlier because mere looking from the day our mother take in and carry us in her womb for good nine months, finally before she gave birth to us.


Starting from there she started raising us to the point where we are today. Sometimes, when we are sick during our teenager, the mother will be on the run to see we get well and speedy recovery. I can say to everybody that nobody can denied that her mother have not play one essential role in his/her life till this moment.

Even the scripture say honour thy parent so that you can live long on the land that the lord had promised you and the elder person around you. This show how mighty the scripture have expanciate on the values and moral of our mother. To any body who disrespect her mother, i want to advice you that please go back and apologies to her because your mother serve as your God.

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