Does a child start to learn inside a mother's body?

Hello to the beautiful mothers of Hive!

I'm going to share a story, rather I should say experience, which certainly some of you might have also experienced during your pregnancy days.

So as soon as I got pregnant, everybody started telling me I should eat good food, watch beautiful movies, visit places of worship and stay away from harsh noise and sad news because all of it will impact the child. They said the child would develop habits and nature basis what I do and how I act in my pregnancy.

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Honestly, I never gave a damn. Although I have eaten healthy food during my pregnancy, but I have also eaten hell lot of junk food. I have never been to a place of worship during those 9 months, one because of Covid, and two because I'm not a very religious person anyways. I did watch Ramayana then but I don't see any inclination of my child towards Lord Ram, LOL. I fought a lot with my husband back those days, my child doesn't seem to have any impact of those fights. I did experience some sad situations as well, my sister and brother-in-law got covid and my brother-in-law was in a serious health state and was hospitalized. So all in all, my 9 months were not exactly how those aunties would want them to be. But still, I have a healthy and smart child.

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The only thing I think he has learned while staying in my tummy is to eat fruits, especially mangoes. When I was pregnant, I have had a lifetime of fruits. I used to have fruits all the time, especially Mangoes. I have eaten Mangoes like crazy and Raag loves Mangoes like one can't imagine. And all the other fruits too. I sometimes call him Frooty 😜

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With all this, I would like to tell all the would-be moms that they don't need to think too much about their child when they are still inside. Yes, you do have to take care of them, but you don't need to change who you are just because you are going to be a mother soon.

Your child will learn everything from you when they step into the world. What you do, how you act and behave, they will copy that all the time. You can teach them as much as you want when they come out. More so, a lot of things they will learn from the society too. Good things, and bad things. You won't be having a lot of control on that unless you decide to keep them at home under an umbrella all the time.

Who your child becomes doesn't only depend on the mother, it depends on the family they live with and the society they grow up in. So no one can ever blame you for not raising a child properly.

This is a small note to all the mothers and to-be mothers, don't ever change yourself for anyone, not even for your child. Be the person you want to be, someone you love, someone you are proud of. Rest everything will fall in place.

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