A Purpose Driven Life

What is my purpose? What is my calling? What is my ministry? These questions have dominated my quality of life from the day I began applying to colleges my senior year of high school. Yet, even through my doubts, my frustrations, and those dreaded "closed doors", the Lord has had his hand through it all.

I did complete my college degree-- Chemistry and Secondary Education. I did get a full time job as a teacher, and I honestly loved it. I was married at 18, and we owned a home when I was 21. Things were good... From the outside. Our "American dream" was being fulfilled. I worked so hard to get to this point, yet I still felt empty. I still felt like I hadn't found my true purpose. There had to be something more.

September of 2014 we found out we were pregnant with our first. We were so excited (and clueless). Silas Nolan Branum was born June 7, 2015. This was the day my life truly changed forever.




The purpose of my blog is first, to be a form of therapy for me so I don't go crazy. :) Second, to hold me accountable as I transition to a more simple, purposeful, and nurturing way of life for my family. Never have these things been so important to me as when I became a mother. Third, I want to try new things! I want to find new activities, recipes, and to be more adventurous (even when I'm sitting at home with them!) with my family... Always teaching and finding ways to show them the true meaning of the gospel. I want to live a life that is not stressful because of all the "stuff" that can get in the way of our joy. I want to declutter my house AND my mind so I can focus on what's truly important-- being the mother and wife the Lord has called me to be.

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