Mothers In Our Life

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I think that all mothers are superior! In my opinion, they are literally superheros, they go through a lot and they always work so hard while doing everything just to provide us with the best living experience possible. Sometimes, we can get a little annoyed by them and the actions they take, yet people do not notice that it is actually for their own good!

Mothers always make sure to get good care of us, they're always there for us whether it's in good times or bad times, they make us amazing meals, they take care of us when we are sick, or when we are stressed or upset about something. They listen to us during hard times when some people won't but your mother always will.

I haven't been able to help my mother a lot with some stuff as I have been very stressed about my finals, she never minds that and always supports me and she gives me a lot of positive energy when I feel down.

She's always been there for me when I was sadly young and unable to speak for myself at school when some teachers were being unfair & choosing favorites, I have always loved & appreciated her doing that for me, as younger me was always so scared to stand up for myself.

Friends come and go, you meet a lot of people and you leave a lot of people, but no one will ever in your life be like your mother.

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