Nature The Great Equalizer!

Nature truly belongs to us all yet none of us owns her. She lives among many culture yet she is not exclusively affiliated with any culture. She has many colors but has an allegiance to no color. She truly is the great  equalizer. We on the other hand, belong to nature. We need her for every aspect of our lives. We need her to eat,drink, stay warm, cool down, travel and even love. She opens our hearts, our lungs, our cells and our pores and if we allow her she will open our minds. Yet many of us are afraid of her. We think her bugs will hurt us; her sun will burn us and her animals will kill us. Yet, we are the ones that kill animals to eat; pollute the earth until certain bugs are extinct;  Emit radioactive waves that destroy the ozone layer which is our true protection from harmful substances. We trust drugs to heal our every woe but think that nature healing is absurd; taboo; and superstitious. We travel all over the world to find ourselves but in the end, keeping meeting nature. Perhaps we are nature; perhaps what we fear is our grandness like nature, so we destroy it (us) curse it (us) and abuse it (us). Question: Why do we do that TO US

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