No, no, no.. Don't touch my bambam (exactly how this little girl pronounced bumbum). Leave me alone! Mummy!!!!
She was struggling and shouting till her mum calmed her down and told her to let her female staff wipe her bumbum.

I was at the salon to barb my hair yesterday and I heard these words from a little girl that couldn't have been more than 2 years old.
She had urinated in her potty and her mum instructed one of her staff to wipe her butts but this little girl vehemently refused.

I was proud!!

I asked her mum why her little girl refused to let her staff touch her bumbum.. She said it is because she constantly and consistently tells her not to let anyone touch her in inappropriate places (her breast, her thighs, her stomach, her back,her vagina and her anus)..
I prodded her further.. She said she also tells her not to sit on any male thigh and to scream if anyone touches her in such places or tries to force her to sit on their thighs or tries to remove any of her clothing. She shows her what good and bad touches mean.

I was elated!!

Just two years old, her parents are doing a great job teaching her sex education in age appropriate terms.

~Don't wait till your kids are 10 years old.. When damages may have occurred
~Don't be embarrassed to talk to your kids
If you start early.. It would be so much easier to educate them more as they are growing older
Be close to your kids
~Don't be unbearable and unnecessary harsh and strict
~Let your kids be comfortable around you
~Be your kids' friend
~Don't believe outsiders more than your kids
~Let your kids be confident that you will stand up for them anywhere and anytime.
~Go easy on using the rod... I personally do not like beating kids.. There are alternatives to flogging, start now not latter . thanks

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