Rescued Moth: A Close Replica of McDonnell Douglas F-15 Jet

On a cold morning, I rescued a colorful and bright moth by my door. It’s shape reminded me of the McDonnell Douglas F-15 Jet.


It must have suffered through the cold of the night; it was helpless and unable to fly.


I took the beautiful work of nature in, housed it in a warm cartoon for it to regain its strength before going back into the world. I wasn’t sure what it would eat to maintain its strength, I however placed granules of sugar, grains of cereal and a flower from the garden in the carton for it.


On the third day, it was strong and was ready to soar again; I took photos of it before setting it out to spread its wings and I watch it fly off.
I miss the beautiful little thing; it didn’t say much all through our time together.


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