
Spine and Neck Care Programme
A seven to fourteen-day specialised programme for the management of a healthy spine and neck, healing any conditions arising from degeneration. The soothing treatments include a series of massages, cleansings and therapies custom-designed to heal back and neck pain.

Immune Boost Programme
A programme of deeply relaxing specialised oil, steam and powder massages to promote circulation in the nervous system and stimulate the immune system, boosting vitality and reducing symptoms of stress. The personalised treatments help those with a weak immune system, poor skin lustre, poor blood and lymph circulation and those suffering from insomnia and fatigue.

Slimming Programme
A programme of fourteen days combining two types of massage to tone the body and improve circulation: oleation — hot medicated herbal oil massage and sudation — hot kizhi powder bundles massage. The programme also includes hot steam baths to aid in the absorption of the medicated oils and increase skin circulation. The body’s doshic constitution is reviewed and a proper diet is suggested to balance the rhythms of the body.

De-Stressing Programme
A programme to reduce stress of the body and the mind, custom-designed to suit gender and doshic constitution. This seven or fourteen-day programme includes a series of full body massages, mind-relaxing Shirodhara treatments, padabhyanga – foot massage of the marma points and a pure diet.

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